
Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Creative Space

I've been doing some contract work at my old day job this week, so there's been little time (or energy left) for crafting.

But, when I arrived home Monday arvo, there was a very important package of fabric sitting on my front doorstep, that urged me to head straight for the sewing machine.

After playing around with word games, I strung it all together with some nice stripey binding.

Now it's winging it's way to the land of Middlemost and will be on display at the Sydney Finders Keepers Market.

I hope it attracts lots of customers to Janine's beautiful handmade wares!

*apologies for the photo quality - had to take early evening snaps and get it straight in the post!

More creative spaces

PS - if you like this bunting, then you may also like my rainbow bunting

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design - Week 2

Just catching up on the second week of The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design.

The week involved lots of playing around and sketching, which was perfectly timed to co-incide with my Intragam infusion (one of the nurses actually called it Instagram last week), and sitting around waiting for other medical appointments.

From the pages of rough sketches, I chose one motif to work with, and created this pattern.

It's really interesting to stand back and look at it in different colour combinations. The top left one actually hurts my eyes (which means it REALLY must be too bright), but I think the bottom right would be perfect for a dress.

It's amazing how a simple sketch can be transformed!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Kat from I Saw You Dancing emailed me a couple of weeks ago to ask if I would be interested in making a blog button for #Reverb12

Of course, I jumped at the chance to test out the design skills that I've been working hard on developing and improving over the past year.

I didn't actually know anything about the background of #Reverb or what it was all about, so I asked if she could give me a quick explanation.

Kat told me.....  

  • Reverb is all about spending a moment each day in December, thinking about the year that has past and looking forward to the year ahead. The prompts range from the deep & meaningful to the everyday i.e. everything from "What did you let go of this year?" to "What was the best movie you saw?"
 I sat and stared at a blank computer screen listening to the cogs spinning in my brain when it hit me....       a series of translucent stacked circles and cogs woud illustrate the overlapping of thoughts and ideas reflecting back, and looking forward.

I've signed up to play along. I may not respond to all of the prompts (December is always an extremely busy month), but it'll be good to read the daily prompt and reflect with my own thoughts anyway.

Thankyou Kat!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Snippets

Dreaming of Tropical Island getaways...

Beautiful Creative Cards in the mail from Jody

Cupcakes and tea with a friend

A visit to Open Drawer

Converting my Rainbow Design to messenger bag size

Visiting the dentist

Designing new packaging

Spotting silly big things

Pool Party

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Rainbow Bunting is GO!

After all the designing and prototyping, it's finally here!

The colours are exactly as I'd envisioned - happy, bright and fun.

Finished off with my favourite stripey binding...

And snaps to hook it up.

It's in the shop!

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Wedding Gift

When I received the invitation to the B-Fabulous wedding, I knew immediately that I really wanted to give the happy couple a handmade gift.

I also knew that I'd exhausted all of my own gift ideas.... so it was time to outsource.

At around the same time, Cathy showed me her very first handmade journal.... and I was smitten!

So I commissioned her to create a beautiful travel journal that the happy couple could take away on their honeymoon to New Zealand.

I love that it has a little bit of me in there via the fabric choices.

There's a mix of papers and pages inside, and plenty of room to record their memories of the trip.

I'm totally in love with it so I hope they are too!

I also commissioned these lovely stitched badges from Janine. Totally sweet!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My creative space

There's not much going on around here today except for yet more hospital visits. I'm up at Ridonkulous O'Clock to battle peak hour, so that I can have a horrible test done. Yah!

Anyhow, to brighten things up I will show and tell the instagram photos of the latest little prototype that I whipped up earlier in the week.

I'm hoping these will be a hit for the young, and the young at heart!

There's more fabric arriving tomorrow, so with any luck these will be available in the shop from Monday.

 I must say that I'm enjoying designing packaging just as much as I love making stuff!

 More creative spaces

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Art and Business of Surface Design - Week 1

Week 1 of the course is now completed!

I ended up every so slightly behind with it all after another transplant false alarm threw everything awry on Friday.

So far, I'm loving the fact that it's encouraged me to get back to the sketchbook and just draw and doodle.

Then the bonus for me is that there's a technical workshop at the end of each week that focuses on digital elements of design (totally up my alley).

This week is filled to the brim with medical appointments, so you'll probably find me in a waiting room somewhere, sketchpad and black fineliner in hand.... waiting for inspiration to hit.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Did someone say bibs?

You guessed it.... I've been making bibs again!

These are the latest prints of my very own designs.

There's only one of each until my next fabric delivery arrives on November 28th.

Ready and waiting in the shop!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Snippets - The B-Fabulous Wedding Edition

Such a beautiful day
Such a beautiful couple

*I've pinched some of Mel and Cathies photos from the Instagram feed #bfabwedding as my phone had a conniption throughout the afternoon!