
Saturday, February 23, 2008

What to do when lousy weather strikes.....

We were supposed to go to Rythm of Africa at the Werribee Zoo thisafternoon but the threat of rain and gale force winds was enough to change those plans! So instead, I used Jodies fab tutorial and made this bag instead.

It only took me about 2 hours (I had to unpick a couple of times because clearly, I can't follow instructions properly) from fabric selection to completion. I added an extra pocket (one for each side) and I didn't have any wadding or batting so I improvised and used curtain blockout backing material instead. I have one problem left. I want to add the lovely button detail that Jodie used on the straps, but I've been searching for my bag of buttons for half and hour and I cannot find them anywhere. If anybody out there is psychic, can you please let me know where to find my buttons (not my marbles, I know they're lost).


  1. I think one of these bags is definitely on my list of things to make (that is after birthday season is over in a couple of weeks!)

  2. Thats fantastic - I love the fabric. I am ridiculously excited to see someone followed the tutorial. Goodluck with the button hunt!

  3. That looks awesome! Love the fabric too!


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