
Friday, March 21, 2008

A Birthday Gift

I've been searching for earrings for my younger sisters upcoming birthday for a while now. I had a good idea of the type of earrings that I was looking for but just couldn't seem to find I decided to get out my jewellery supplies and make them!

The silver rings are actually washers. I asked Mr CurlyPops to drill holes in them (so I could attach the jump rings) and to bash them up a bit with a hammer. He doesn't like me playing with his tools because I don't put them away properly.

I then took some sandpaper and scratched them up and sanded the edges. Her favourite colour is purple so I attached a purple bead and some earring wires and 'voila' .....birthday gift completed.

I think I might make some for myself now.


  1. Great present-they turned out really well:)

  2. You sister will be thrilled, those are gorgeous!

  3. How cool! I really like your ingenuity, using washers!


  4. Wow! What a lucky sister you have. I love that they were a collaboration, great team work.

  5. yay to crafts that involve bashing with hammers- they look great.

  6. Definitely make some more of these, they're great.


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