
Friday, March 28, 2008

Giddy Up!

I've tested out my new bias tape makers and they are fab!

It's so much easier than making the tape manually just with the iron. So I managed to finish two Giddy Up blankies for the twins and I finished the spotty blankie that I started earlier in the week.

I couldn't wait to use the fabrics from Retromummy, and luckily I had a few spare t-shirts lying around so I quickly added some Jack and the Beanstalk and some Funky Monkeys to the fronts.

I also had a scrappy bit of skull & crossbone leftover for this one.

These three are going to my nephew Moo Moo (it's ok, that's just his nickname - his parents aren't crazy folk).

Mr CurlyPops has just left the building. He's off to Hong Kong for the weekend to watch a rugby tournament (and buy me lots of presents). In his absence, I'm hoping to get lots of crafty things done, and I'm planning to drop in to Meet Me At Mikes tomorrow so I can snap up a Mirabel Heart before it's too late.

Anyhoo, have a lovely crafty weekend!


  1. Ooh a weekend all to yourself - sheer heaven. Enjoy it.

  2. Love the tshirts but then I have a strong Retromummy bias. Talking about bias I love your binding. I think I might have to invest in a bias maker

  3. I just purchased a bias tape maker, a walking foot and a darning foot on Wed. Those little blankies could let me use all three! The T-shirt idea is great. So simple yet very stylish. I need to start scouring for sales on Japanese prints.
    On a rugby and Australian note, I went to an Australian football match when I was there 4 years ago and it was a blast. The contest against NSW and Queensland in rugby was also going on. I watched all the games in a pub...why can't American sports be like that. Fast and furious! In fact, why can't America be like Australia? Hmmm, I think I need a plan!
    Have a great Weekend. Love Stacy

  4. Great t-shirts! I love my bias binding makers - definitely the best investment.

  5. I have been reading through your last few posts, wow you have been busy! Great crafty work going on there!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to see what gifties hubby brings you!

  6. Your blankies look great with their contrasting binding. I usually make my binding by hand but I love the sound of a bias tape maker. I will have to check that one out! I received my lovely package from Retro Mummy yesterday so hope to spend part of the weekend in the sewing room having fun!

  7. Glad to hear about the bias tape thingy - I have often wondered about those. Love the shirts.

  8. Those little tees look brilliant. I've been wondering whether to buy myself a bias tape maker and now you've sold me on the idea.

  9. Nice work! I just ordered the 2 inch bias tape maker from EBay - Clegs were out of stock! Bias Tape Makers are the BEST ever gadget!

    I think the weather is making you into SUPERCRAFTER!

  10. that blankies look so cute! bias makers are great!!


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