
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Great pizza for dinner

I made home made pizza for tea tonight.
I made the base using this recipe that I found on Frances's blog.

1 cup greek yoghurt
2 cups self raising flour

Mix up, knead, roll out onto tray.
Bake base for 5 minutes, take out, add toppings, cook for as long as needed.

It was light and scrumptious! Especially with really fresh toppings.


  1. Wow sounds easy I will have to give it a try

  2. That sounds like my kind of recipe. One bowl wonder. thanks for your comments,it's always nice to have a new reader. cheers

  3. Yumm - always looking for new pizza basis to try - thanks for sharing

  4. Hello! I am from Canada and was wondering how you would describe the Greek Yoghurt. Would could I use instead of? Thanks - sure would like to try the recipe.


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