
Friday, April 11, 2008

100th Post Giveaway and a beautiful song

After lurking in the shadows of the Blogland for about 8 months, I finally started this little crafty blog on January 15th 2008, and I've somehow managed to click over 100 posts in 88 days. I certainly didn't expect that! I thought I'd have nothing to write about, nothing pretty to show, and nobody would bother reading about it anyway, (apart from some friends and family who are obligated to read my ramblings, he he he).

I'm having so much fun as a blogger, I may just keep going at this pace and never give up! I love checking for new comments each day, and reading everyone elses blogs too, and leaving lots of comments (I comment a lot, I can't help myself)!

Anyhooo, to get on with the important business of this's time for a giveaway! The prize will be:

1. An item handmade by me (an apron or a handbag)
2. Some fabric
3. Some other crafty bit and pieces
4. Some chocolate

To enter, leave a comment on this post and answer the following questions:

1. I would like to win a .........(handbag or apron)
2. My favourite colour is.......
3. My favourite chocolate is...........

I will draw a winner next Friday......Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Gosh you have been busy!!! I think it will take us more than a year to reach 100 posts:) Congratulations on reaching 100. Sarah is at school at present but I will answer the questions on her behalf - love aprons; favourite colours are blue and purple; loves all chocolate as long as it doesn't have fruit fillings or nuts. Best wishes, Lisa and Sarah

  2. Congratulations on making it to 100 and inspiring others of us out there to start moving toward that milestone. May you share many more one hundreds of posts and comments with your readership. Great coupling of clip and music isn't it?
    Your questions, love an apron, favorite colour is dark red, favourite chocolate is a tie between haighs or lindt strangely prefer dark over most else!

  3. I love you blog and am so glad I have found it. I wouldn't mind an apron or a bag, my favourite colour at the moment is green or purple and there is no contest with the chocolate definitely Haighs (thanks goodness we have them in Sydney now)

  4. I've been lucky enough to get a little give away this week, so I will leave it for some one else. Just wanted to say congrats on a great blog!

  5. wow how on earth did you blog so many in so a short time..I also started in januari but I only managed to do 24... You blog looks awesome!

  6. Ohh, how exciting! Congrats on 100 and your blog is great! I'm loving the whole blog thing too. In fact, you were actually one of the first to read mine!! So thank you!! For your giveaway, if I win, I'd love an apron, my fave colour is any shade of red, and fave choccie is definitely Cadbury Rocky Road!

  7. Congrats and heres to many more! What a lovely giveaway. Lets see...I would love a handbag (I NEED a new handbag), favorite color is a deep rosy pink and milk chocolate, especially Canadian such as Cadbury Dairy Milk is my favorite.

  8. Nice to see all the production! Congrats! And I will keep my fingers crossed in this drawing. I would love a handbag, my favorite colour is green (even if I'm quite attracted to orange this last couple of months) and I love milk and white chocolate, but just chocolate, without anything extra in it.

  9. Congrats on a 100 posts! I don't have close to that many and I started my blog almost a year ago! Your blog is awesome. :)

    1. I would like to win a: oh, I love both, I can't decide! Maybe an apron.
    2. My favourite colour is: I love all colors but especially black & white, greens...ok, I'd love anything.
    3. My favourite chocolate is: it'd be cool to try something from your part of the world. :) I love new things from other places!

  10. Huge congrats on making it to 100!! Definately shows dedication. Hmmm if I was lucky enough to win I would love either bag or apron (I love suprises), at the moment I'm into a kind of coral pinky orange colour, and my fave choc bar is crunchie. Keep up the good work :)

  11. Go you! I love your blog, yay!

    If I'm the lucky punter, handbag, blue/chocolate or pink/chocolate brown, and fave choccy is anything white or milk. Peppermint and nuts are good too. hehehehhe!

  12. Wow!!!100 already-congratulations!!
    Would love to have a chance in your givaway..
    would love a purple apron with any kind of chocolate in the pocket!!!

  13. Congrats on making it to 100 and so quickly too!

    1. handbag
    2. pink
    3. I never met any that I did not like!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!

  14. congrats on the 100th post. I always enjoy reading your blog. Here are my answers:
    1. I would like to win a handbag or apron
    2. My favourite colour rusty orange
    3. My favourite chocolate is all of them!

    here's to another 100!@!

  15. I had no idea that your blog is only a few months old! I started in February and yours was one of the first I came across and I've been reading eversince (I'm a CrulyPops groupie :)) If I win, I would love a handbag, my favorite color is purple and I LOVE white chocolate but never reject any of the others (that wouldn't be very nice, now would it?).

    Congrats on the big 100!

  16. I didn't hit play on the song until after I left my comment and I just wanted to tell you that that version of Over The Rainbow has a special place in my heart. It's a particular favorite of my family (on my mom's side) and has been played at more than one funeral, so the memory is bittersweet but I still love to hear it. Thank you so much for having it in your post.

  17. Congratulations! I am about to get to my 100th too - thank you for commenting so regularly - it means so much! I love reading your blog and seeing what you have been doing! From a giveaway perspective, it all sounds so delicious, but I am an apron-kind-of-girl, I love colour, and I love dark choc (pref fair trade!)

    J :-)

  18. Congratulations on reaching 100 posts Cam - it's a milestone to be proud of.

  19. Hiya, , I have been lucky enough lately so please don't enter me. Just wanted to say that of course people are interested and blogland is better for having you in it Miss CurlyPops.

  20. Congrats, funny how reading one blog laeds to another & another & another.... glad I found yours!

    Hmmm... I NEED a hangbag & an apron so if I win you pick!!!

    Colour-blue & as for chocolate I love ALL of it, yum.

  21. Hey Cam,
    I so love this song... Its just gorgeous. Anyway please dont include me in your 100th post give away (as I already have one of your lovely aprons), but just wanted to say congrats on 100 posts. I love dropping by your blog. See you soon.

  22. Congrats on reaching 100 posts! The whole blogging thing certainly is addictive isn't it?
    Now, as for the questions:
    1. I would love to win an apron as I am a really messy cook. I have had an apron on my to do list for ever, but never get around to it.
    2. My favourite colour is red, but my favourite colour combo is aqua and lime.
    3. Anything that involves dark chocolate is good by me!
    Here's to the next 100!

  23. Thanx for the great post giveaway.

    I love either. So I'd let you surprise me.

    My favorite colour is purple and my favorite chocolate is turtles.

  24. Congratulations on 100 posts!

    1. I would like to win an apron.
    2. My favourite colour is blue.
    3. My favourite chocolate is dark (I don't have a specific favourite brand).

  25. yeahh to 100 posts!!!
    id love to join in on your celebration giveaway - here are my answers

    1. I would like to win an apron
    2. My favourite colour is pale blue
    3. My favourite chocolate is Cadbury Fury friends...

  26. WOW, 100 already! I have been throughly enjoying your blog since I found it, I am so glad you found that article.
    On to the questions...
    1) I would love to win a handbag!
    2) I love any and all colors! I am partial to brown right now but it changes constantly.
    3) Any chocolate is good as long as it is not dark!

    Thanks for 100 great posts!!

  27. Wow, 100 posts! You nut :) Of coarse that is just more for me to read and smile about. Ok, since you insist...
    1)I think I'd go with apron
    2)Greens but am open to all colors
    3)Milk chocolate of all kinds

    That movie really reminds me of Australia, I watched it right after my trip there. And how can anyone not hear that song and feel a little better. Have a great day hun. Love Stacy

  28. Great! I just LOVE your blog - it's one of my favourites!

    1. I would like to win a handbag for sure
    2. My favourite colour is orange
    3. My favourite chocolate is pretty much anything... :D

    Congratulations on reaching 100!!!

  29. congrats on 100! (and in 88 days...woohoo)

    1. I would like an apron.
    2. My fav color (today) is yellow
    3. Favorite chocolate? whatever is offered to me.(a cheap date, eh?)

  30. Congrats on reaching 100! Can't wait to read more.
    I'd love a handbag (can't have too many!), my fav colour is blue and as for chocolate, I love anything Cadbury's. Speaking of which, I think I'll go eat some right now!

  31. Congratulations on your 100th! And thank you for the comments you've left on my blog! I love a good comment ;)

    Well, I'd love an apron (I only recently bought my first one and hubby get a good giggle when I pretend to be a good wife and wear one ;) ) Favourite colours are red and black and as for chocolate - love anything that's not Japanese (the chocolate here is terrible)!


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