
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bug Blankies

I made a couple of flannel bug blankies for the upcoming twins today using the fabric that I bought yesterday (oh lookie there, I made more bias tape)......

.....and I'm posting this photo just for a laugh. This is where I found my cat lastnight. Maybe he wants to help me make some more bias tape.....

I'm getting very close to post number 100 so keep your eyes peeled for a celebratory giveaway!


  1. You and your bias tape. You are just too clever (and slightly addicted me thinks). Your blankets and drawstring bag look so great.

    I love the cat too but what cat don't I love.

  2. I STILL haven't used my bias tape maker - maybe I'll get addicted like you! Love the bug fabric - super cute.


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