
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mr CurlyPops returns from Hong Kong bearing gifts

So Mr CurlyPops returned safely and here are my pressies:

This cute paintbrush set. I think it's actually meant for painting henna tattoos or something similar as it has a little mixing bowl .

Some lovely fabric.......
A new MP3 player. I'll be able to fit four times the amount of songs on this one compared to my current MP3 player.
Then the 'piece de resistance' which is actually my birthday present as my birthday is later this month. A Tiffany 1837 Bar Pendant in Sterling Silver.......yah!


  1. you lucky girl!
    paint brushes look awsome, i'm sure you'll have fun with those.

  2. Score !!!! YAY!
    I've got a very similar "paint" set, the big black block is "ink", add water to it and Bob's your uncle. Mine also had little jars of granulated water colours (like instant coffee) so I'm guessing your mixing bowl is for something similar.
    lucky lucky you!

  3. oh he did good! wow!!! what a good present


  4. What a fabulous husband! The brush set is a traditional calligraphy set, and the black block, an ink stone. Lots of fun to paint with!


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