
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On My Desk......on a Wednesday

Well, not much has changed on my desk since last week. I still have my Pippijoe fabric and my WIP crochet from Brown Owls....

Just a couple of new additions - instructions for creating buttonholes on my sewing machine and test buttonholes on calico. I made machine created buttonholes for the first time on Monday for the handbag that Steph is receiving as part of my 100th post giveaway. I will post photos of the bag once Steph has received it in the mail. There was a lot of swearing and unpicking and instruction reading and calico testing and tea drinking involved in the creation of those damn buttonholes!

Finally - bits and pieces cut ready for my Mirabel Softie!

Thanks to Kirsty for hosting, I can't wait to check everyone else's desks this week.


  1. Oh- what is your softie going to be, I can't wait to see!

    PS bottonholes scare my, I avoid then at ALL costs!

  2. Oooh, I can't wait! And I will treasure it!
    But all this effort means I want to make you a reciprocal pressie!

  3. I'm also looking forward to seeing your Softie In Progress.

  4. Button hole making is a skill worth having! I avoided them like the plague for ages, and then one day sat down and figured them out, just like you are. And now it's super easy, and I wish I'd tried sooner.

    Can't wait to see your softie!!

    lol- just had to add- the word verification sounds like the sort of cry you'd utter to the machine during the button hold learning process!! "pheeeleh" !! ;o)

  5. Oh dear...dismembered legs. Please let us see that Ms Surgeon gets them attached. ;-)


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