
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Week of Pillowcases - Day 2

I'm playing along with Kirsty's pillowcase week over on Pip's blog so my mission for today was to go op-shopping to find a nice vintage floral pillowcase to try some more pillowcase projects.

This was all I could find at Vinnies......not exactly vintage, but there are two matching pillowcases and they are still pretty. They're in the wash now so they'll be ready for later in the week.

I did find something lovely and vintage though......a gorgeous floral single sheet set! There's still another matching set that I left behind (I really have no more room to store any more fabric).

I also found these lovely rattan baskets.......

....and oodles and oodles of trim (sorry about the fuzzy photo!)

Here's a close up of my favourite bits of trim!


  1. so much wonderful stuff, I'm quite jealous right back at ya!

  2. I LOVE those trims! And still on the original cards! Quite lovely.


  3. love the trims, especially the ricrac... and those sheets are great! nice oppy day!

  4. Oh my gosh those sheets are beautiful. Lucky you.

  5. What great finds! It's always nice when you find good stuff at the op shop - I haven't had much luck lately!!

    LOVE the sheet set! :)

  6. What gorgeous oppy finds! I always hope I'll find vintage ric rac when op shopping but it's never happened yet. And that sheet is fantastic - love it!!!

  7. Oooh I love the sheet you found! And when I see old Rik Rak like that I just swoon!!!

  8. Love the rattan baskets and the vintage sheets with the gold and orange flowers, very nice.

  9. what a treasure trove of op shop finds!!

  10. You are just the greatest op shopper around I think. What a great lot of loot.


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