
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blogmeet & A Finale

My blogmeet gift is all packed up and ready to go!

The lemon slice is ready to be eaten.....although I still have a real problem with making icing correctly. It's too runny again! I just can't seem to work it to the correct consistency when I'm mixing it. Of course, I never realise until I've already tipped it out and then it's too late....lucky it still tastes nice.

Yippee! Today is the 31st of May so I made it all the way through 'A Post a day in May'. I have posted every single day for 31 days in a row.....phew! Did anyone notice that the posts were getting very short and sweet towards the end? Somedays, I was really running out of things to say.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.....I'm off to see some other crafty chicks!


  1. I always have that problem with icing too. Have a great time at the blogmeet

  2. STOP IT!!!! You're making me jealous. I went to the first blog meet up last Feb and it was so much fun. Aand all those handmade things....swooooon.

    Now, about that icing save me a piece cause it looks good to me in the photo but....have you tried the this method? ..Use pure icing sugar. Mix icing ingredients to a fairly thick consistency and then rest the bowl on top of a pot of simmering water and mix till the icing melts. Spread on your sweet yummies. I love it because it sets really well, but it miht help cause you can mix it up thick to start.

  3. well I loooooooove the lemon slice! I love the icing just as it is and 4 slices to myself is a pretty good sign!

    hope to see you soon monday.....


  4. have fun! -and hooray for 31 days!!

  5. love the slice soooo much
    lovely to meet you
    send through the reciepe when you get a chance
    i will be intouch about other stuff soon
    justine xx


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