
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

On my desk......on a Wednesday

Todays 'On my desk' is brought to from the kitchen bench (which I should rename the 'Fabric cutting bench' as it spends more time covered in fabric and cutting mats than anything kitchen related).

I'm making a drawstring bag for a friends daughter who has a birthday coming up at the end of May. I've made her a dolls quilt and I still need to make a dolls pillow, then they will both be packed up into the drawstring bag.

To see lots of other desks, go and check out Kirsty's lovely blog!


  1. Great fabric for a little girl! I too am doing the dolly-bedding for my niece - it's so much fun! The draw-string bag is a great idea to keep them all neat and together!

  2. Happy (late) Birthday!!!

    I love all of the goodies that you have been making! Just lovely!!!

  3. It looks lovely Cam. Your hairclipping makes me smile. It's a great idea.


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