
Friday, May 23, 2008

Smarty Pants

Mr CurlyPops went out Wednesday night to fill my car with petrol (before the price skyrocketed), and I was having a bit of a choclate craving so I asked him to get me some maltesers and something peppermint (I just couldn't decide between the two)!

When he returned, all he had was a packet of maltesers so I decided to ration them.....half a packet on Wednesday night and half a packet for Thursday night. I had it all sorted.

He arrived home lastnight and while I was cooking dinner, he decided to eat some of my rationed maltesers! Disaster!!!

I complained that all he bought me was a measly small packet of maltesers when I had clearly requested maltesers AND something peppermint!

He had to go out again lastnight and when he returned, this is what he brought home.......

He found a family pack of maltesers and every different type of peppermint chocolate that was available at now I'm happy again......chocolate fixes everything!

Post Script: I haven't seen a Mint Pattie for about 10 years....if you look closely, it states that it now has 50% less fat.....if I cared how much fat was in a chocolate bar, I clearly wouldn't be eating it....that is ridiculous! I haven't tried the peppermint kit kat yet...could be a little weird.


  1. What a good boy you have there! Yummm.. mint patties, my favourite!

  2. What a gem your husband is! Looks like you will be stocked up for the weekend....

  3. What a lovely Mr Curly Pops you have.

  4. Oh you are so lucky. I love mint anything...good job mr.curlypops!!

  5. Wow. No more rationing!!

  6. Mr Sew-Funky does things like that for me!!! :) It's great being married to men like that, eh!

  7. Peppermint Kit Kats are yummo... I didn't realise they were still being sold. YAY.. have to go out tomorrow and get some..

  8. My mother sent me a message in a DREAM to buy a mint pattie for my SISTER (I know it's weird) - and now I know where to find one! (none at the milkbar, or at Coles or at the IGA) I'm going to Safeway straightaway! Thanks!


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