
Monday, June 23, 2008

Chunky Scarf

Life is slowly getting back to normal around here.......

The twins came home from hospital yesterday. We went to visit them in the afternoon and I gave my sister this scarf that I knitted for her on the weekend. My knitting is getting faster, this one only took about 4 or 5 hours in total.

I'm off to Brown Owls tonight , just the thing I need to get me back into the crafty groove!


  1. The scarf is beautiful. It looks lovely and soft!

  2. looks great! you are getting faster!

  3. I'd love to go to Brown Owls tonight...but all the spare places seem to be sold out before I even know about it! Bummer....

  4. You are flying, wow! I have knitting envy...

  5. What gorgeous chunky yarn - love the scarf!

  6. I love the colours...and so thick and warm. I could do with a scarf like that today, it's freezing!

  7. well done!!!!! you are doing so well and bet rach loved it..I'm glad she's home and she must have stayed in a while! I'm sure you were the best babysitter!


  8. What a gorgeous scarf. I'll bet your sister loves it. Glad to hear the twins are home.


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