
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Granny not so square...

Lastnight was my second crochet attempt at Brown Owls.... it was a lot more successful than my previous attempt! I made something that might be known as a granny square but it's not really square (I had a bit of trouble getting the tension even all the way around).

It was a lovely crochetty evening full of chatting, eating, drinking and laughing. I met Angelique who was visiting all the way from Noumea, and farewelled Corrie (luckily she was able to squeeze in one more Brown Owls night before moving).....

Thanks once again to Kirsty and Pip for a great night out!


  1. Clever you! It looks square enough to me.

  2. Yay - okay just 400 more and you'll have a blankey by summer!

  3. hey, that's not bad at all. nice work

  4. Looks like you have it mastered-good on you-they are very addictive to make!!

  5. I really love crochet (I am a terrible knitter!) and when I first started my squares weren't really square either. It's a very good start though and a little bit of practice and there'll be no stopping you! Looks pretty square to me!
    Well done.

  6. Great Granny Squaring by you!

  7. Go you! Maybe there's something to be said for my absence = your success in crocheting?! haha.

  8. Your crochet looks really good. Not far off square at all. How's the knitting coming along? Have you been working on it too?


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