
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Last Minute Sewing

I suddenly remembered lastnight that I'd promised my sister-in-law that I would make a gift for her to give to a friend who is expecting a little girl later this week.
I quickly whipped up these three bibs in record time.....I probably should have ironed them before taking a photo but they have now left the building so it was too late!

For anyone who wants to start a craft blog or is new to a craft blog, or even if you just want some handy hints, head on over to Pips Blog and Michelles Blog.....

From Pip: Meet Me at Mikes

How to start a craft blog
How to market your craft blog
How to make your blog look cuter (I'm still working on this one!)
How to have nice blog manners

From Michelle: Leni & Rose

Tips & Tricks 1 - Who links to your blog (I used this one)
Tips & Tricks 2 - Enlarge your photos (I haven't tried it yet but I will)
Tips & Tricks 3 - The comments window (Used this thismorning)

Happy Blogging!


  1. Cute bibs! Love the fabrics! Thanks for the links too. I love Leni and Rose's tips, and now will have to check out the other one too.

  2. very cute bibs! sweet fabrics.

  3. You are just such a clever crafty girl. Your knitting looks great too by the way.

  4. Great job on the bibs Cam & those tipster girls are doing a wonderful job.

  5. Glad you're finding my tips helpful! And you are so the queen of bibs - all the ones you have quickly whipped up are so great and I love the fabric a lot!

  6. Nice to see the comment above^^^^. thanks for the tips and links..has helped me heaps..

  7. Thanks for the tips... Already knew about Leni and Rose, I will have to head over and have a look at Pips.
    Nice bibs too... gorgeous fabrics.

  8. Hey there! Those bibs are cute as! Funny you should post about them because bibs have been on my mind this weekend. Are they hard to make? Is there a pattern you recommend or do you just sort of wing it? I don't have any kids and don't really know about bibs, but I keep seeing nifty little homemade bibs about and thinking they'd be useful for friends of mine. I especially like that spotty fabric you used. Great stuff!

  9. I am loving this pop up comment window... and your bibs are gorgeous. I couldn't agree more about Pip and Michelle's posts. I have found them very helpful.

  10. Oooh, these are gorgeous. I LOVE the fabrics you've chosen! Yes I've also been soaking up all the great blog info out there - between those two blogs they have covered a fantastic amount of great bloggy info :)


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