
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On My Desk......on a Wednesday

It's the aftermath of making a softie with my nine year old nephew lastnight while cooking dinner at the same time.......

The result is Jack......a funny little fellow with a moustache and rather large ears.

Please go and visit Kirsty to find more 'On My Desk' goodness.

I woke up thismorning to find my knitted scarf over on Cuteable......considering it's only the second knitted item that I've ever finished, I was rather chuffed!


  1. Your nephews softie looks cute - the moustache is a great touch!

  2. what a busy girl! man I can't multi task that well.

  3. Kiddy craft is pretty good fun. I bet your nephew was proud of himself.

  4. WOW, you are so busy! Great to see you on cuteable, you are a great knitter Cam.

  5. i love the mess on your inspires me to create!! Makes me want to make things!

  6. Great to get the kiddies - particularly BOYS - inspired to create... and what a great result!!!

  7. Love it! I just finished helping my daughter make one a couple of days ago - hard work multi tasking while meeting little ones demands! Your blog is awesome!


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