
Thursday, June 19, 2008

PIF Goodies

I forgot to check the mail yesterday until my nephew came from school ....... amongst the bills and junk mail was a cute little parcel all wrapped up in brown paper and tied up with a pretty ribbon and tag.

A few months ago, I had a pay it forward challenge on my blog and one of the recipients was the lovely Libby from Zoesquid.

She had a pay it forward challenge on her blog to pass it on, but as a lovely suprise, she also sent me back a pay it forward gift.

The cutest little pincushion and some lavender sachets for my drawers.......and in one of my favourite colours! The lavender sachets smell divine (they might even encourage me to clean out my drawers first)!

Thankyou so much Libby, I absolutely adore all of my pressies!

I'm going to go and buy myself some pretty pins to match my pincushion after I've been to see the endodontist today. I think I deserve some crafty shopping after having a toothache for four days!


  1. She's good, that Libby! And she's a co-reviewer on a certain craft blog! So you two are like two peas in a pod!

  2. LOVE, love, love that red and white fabric. Paisley looking like a toile at first glance.

  3. what lovely gifts!


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