
Sunday, June 1, 2008

This is.......not my pet

This is not actually my pet, he belongs to my in-laws.....his name is Diesel.
We went to their house for tea Friday night to find him wearing this lovely creation.....

My mother-in-law refashioned my father-in-law's old blue parka into a dog coat!
There's a hole to put his head through and a little strap that goes together under his belly.
Recycling at its best!

Thanks to Kyla for this weeks great theme!


  1. Sweet dog-good idea for the coat-Hmmmm a nice warm back!

  2. What a great idea!! It looks rather smart too.

  3. Awww.. he's cute. Love the coat too, as you said, great recycling!

  4. What a cutie. Hope that coat keeps him warm for you winter :) thanks for sharing. Cheers Kyla

  5. What a great idea! Our dog sleeps in a daggy old tartan dog coat, and it reminds me of an old grandpa dressing gown. She loves having it on to snuggle up at night time, but she always looks a bit embarrassed if we don't take it off her when she gets up (what would the neighbour's dogs say!!!!) hehehe..

  6. A great idea, will keep him nice and warm all winter!

  7. Diesel looks very dashing in his jacket!

  8. hehehe, that's cool, a parker wearing pup :)


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