
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Critters in suburbia

Some little critter has been digging in my garden bed......what a mess.......grrrrrrr!


  1. maybe it's an echidna!!!One is always doing that to mine!! Cheeky monkeys!!

  2. The birds do that to our garden but usually only where we have put mulch on top of the dirt.

  3. Bummer man. Shoot. Maybe it's one of those Bandicoot guys. :-)

  4. It's probably galahs or cockatoos - we have the same mess on our driveway!

  5. Maybe bandicoots?
    We get bandicoots digging holes in our lawns. They come out at night digging for worms and other wiggly things. I try to fill the hole in with my boot, but somehow there is never enough soil to go back in, mmm...
    Also we have a gang of young brush turkeys visiting our yard most mornings and afternoons. They seem to take great delight raking out our sugarcane mulch from the gardens. We try to get Dash, our border collie dog to chase them off, but instead she just tries to round them up. [it dosen't really work with turkeys- they just fly up a tree]
    Sandi xx

  6. Annoying...I guess it is most likely the birds. of my friends does this in her own driveway because her husband is obsessed about keeping the driveway immaculate. She kicks the mulch out herself & then reports that the birds have been "at it again". He he maybe it's the date.

  7. Blackbirds. Definitely blackbirds.

  8. My God! Looks like a whole army of critters have been there... what the?

  9. Has all the hallmarks of a blackbird!

  10. Maybe it's the same varmint that is digging around my compost bin and upsetting my chili plants. Although I think mine is of the whiskery variety.


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