
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Silly Gilly Winner & The Great Pants Challenge

I know I promised that I wouldn't enter any more giveaways, but I just couldn't resist entering the giveaway on Gillians Silly Gilly blog for this vintage pants pattern from 1974 (the year I was born).....

......and I won again!!! Thanks so much Gillian, the pattern is so cool! I've been so lucky since I began blogging in's hard to believe that it was only six months ago.

I've never ever tried to make any type of clothing before so I'm issuing myself with 'The Great Pants Challenge' (and publishing it here to make me do it). The challenge is that I must attempt to make a pair of pants using this pattern within the next 7 days. I will report back with my triumph or tragedy by next Tuesday....... as a little extra, I'm adding a little webpoll on my sidebar for 'The Great Pants Challenge' either 'Triumph' or 'Tragedy' to vote....... do you think I can do it?

Edit: My Web Poll wasn't working properly so I'm testing out a new Web Poll widget instead!


  1. Nothing like a dealine to get you moving. You are so lucky with your winnings.

  2. i just want to know - plaid or plain? good luck to you! must say - i wouldn't mind one of those tunics for myself!

  3. You have been lucky, good luck with the pants!

  4. It all depends on how daggy the fabric is! The daggier the better, in my opinion ...

  5. Oh yeah - you can do it! I'm loving the flarey ones on the right.

  6. Wow - you have been lucky. Good luck with the sewing. Cheering from the sideline.

  7. Of course you can do it!! Go, you!!!

  8. Good Luck! I am confident that you will triumph as always. You sure are lucky in the giveaway stakes!

  9. Ooh Ms Curly Pops.. We are blog-twins. I also started my blog in January this year....


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