
Friday, August 15, 2008

Love Fridays....updated

Wowee, Friday has come around fast this week.

The Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson concert was fabulous (as usual with Kasey). They started with an acoustic set of Kasey's old songs, then they brought the band out to play songs from the new album before playing some oldies too.

The best bit was definitely the encore....they started with Kasey singing 'The Captain' just with Shane playing a piano accompaniment in the background........ it was beautiful. Then Kasey went backstage and dragged out Jimmy Barnes to sing a duet of 'Your Cheatin' Heart', and finally finishing with 'We're all gonna die someday'.

Today, I'm heading out for lunch to The Chocolate Room.... that's enough to make me Love Friday!

Head over to Big Cat's Emporium to join Love Fridays....

** The photo above has absolutely nothing to do with this post..... it's just a cake that I made last weekend.

Update: This is the first time that I made icing that wasn't too runny so the photo was so I could remember my icing triumph (sad but true)....


  1. Firstly, that cake looks AWESOME! Making me hungry just looking at it.

    And great to hear KC was good last night, it's always uplifting to see a favourite perform live, isn't it?

  2. That concert sounds fantastic! I became a big Kasey Chambers fan after seeing her at the East Coast Blues and Roots festival one year. She was just awesome. And "We're all gonna die someday" is one of my favourite songs to sing along to really loudly in the car :P

  3. I love Friday cake pictures most of all. YUM. That icing looks lemony.

  4. A chocolate lunch sounds good, but that cake looks scrummy

  5. I'm suddenly craving a cuppa and cake!!!! yum yum!

  6. Mmmmmmm that cake looks delicious!

  7. Delicious. Wish I was there for cake and coffee.

  8. That cake looks fantastic - if you feel like posting the recipe I'd love to try it, 5 minutes REALLY?!

  9. OK, just ignore my last comment, just found the link!

  10. Oh cool! Concerts are just so much fun! Haven't been to one for ages myself...put that on the to do list.

    Yummo lookin cake too!

  11. Yummmm!!!! Cake is good! Glad the concert was fun. I've gotta check them out once I get my puter back.

  12. That cake looks really yummy! Mmm.. I'm a real sucker for those silver balls.

    A Chocolate Room! Oh yum! I have to get there one day!

  13. congrats on the icing triumph! that cake looks yum!

  14. Oh I'm so envious about Kasey! I missed the concert - would have dearly loved to have gone but I've been a budgetin' - yuk!


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