
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I had a lovely stitchy night at Brown Owls lastnight and I actually managed to finish the project...yippee! We made these sweet little mushroom pincushions.

Kirsty did a fab job with her supersensational 'mushie how to slide presentation'.
Steph saved my CurlyPops owl from the last session that I missed and now I also have a sweet little Lara owl.

There were lots of delicious things to eat - chocolate cake made by Kirsty, apple cake made by Stephs mum, and cupcakes made by Cindy (which was lucky for me because I only had vegemite toast for tea before I left).

....and of course there were lots of lovely girls to stitch and chat with. I finally got to meet Hollie (luckily I was wearing my gorgeous Hokey Owl brooch) and had a walk down memory lane with Kerry from Quamby.......

Check out the forest of mushrooms here.... a collaboration of stitchy goodness.


  1. Your toadstool looks much better than under those weird flourescent lights at Brown Owls. Good job Cam.

  2. So good to finally meet you too!!!!! I think last night was the best so far!

  3. Oh! I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night... I was so shy I didn't even venture around to the other table!

    Your toadstool is so cute! The print on the brown fabric looks fantastic :)

    If I get a chance to go to the next meeting I will definitely make more of an effort to come around and say hello and introduce myself!

  4. Your mushrooms look gorgeous. They are the perfect size to shade your owls!!

  5. Sorry, I did not meet you last night, think I was too caught up on my table and sewing

  6. Kerry from Quamby is lovely! Her sister is one of my best friends! Small world!!!

  7. Oooh that is so cute!! Sounds like a fun night!

  8. I love the spots in the background, he looks so cute in natural light. Lovely to meet you, I really am amazed at how much stuff you get through and love to read all about it. Hope to see you at another owl. Hope you enjoyed the cupcakes.

  9. What a great job. Brown owls looks like so much fun. I am green with envy :)
    Cheers Kyla

  10. Cute!!! Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Thanks for the tip and link! I'm definitely going to use one of the tutorials.

  11. So cute! Why do I not live in Melbourne, the home of all of my favorite craft blogs?

  12. I can't make it to the crafty nights but on my holiday I photographed a red and white toadstool and now I sent it to the Brown Owls Flickr group.


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