
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Overlocking and Blogger problems

Ok, so this post is supposed to have photos of the pants that I made yesterday with overlocked seams......but blogger is being a pain and won't let me load any photos gggrrrrr!

So, at some stage later in the day, I will try again!

In the meantime, there are even more giveaways happening in blogland. Check these ones out!

Nathalie Brault
Comfy and Cosy

and there's a fantastic swap happening over at Little Arty Crafty Crow too....

and Corrie had her beautiful twin babies yesterday (go check out the gorgeous photo)....


  1. I had the exact same problem and since I am a novice I thought I must of been doing something wrong, in the end I had to upload the pic from flickr. Computer gremlins, if they are going to attack at least they could be nice enough to do enough damage that I could take the day off.

  2. Perfect opportunity to put Tip#11 into use - hopefully blogger may let you do that?

  3. Hi, thanks for blogging about my giveaway. Very much appreciated. Bye see you later.


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