
Friday, September 26, 2008

Frifty Friday

I decided to treat myself to a little op-shopping today. I was extremely restrained because I should actually be de-cluttering my life at the moment, not adding to it!

I found my all time favourite book....Womans Day Handicrafts (1973 version). I know I already have a copy of this, but if you don't already have a copy then keep your eyes peeled for a little bloggy giveaway coming very soon.

I also found another kiddies craft book and a toys to make book to add to the overgrown craft book collection.
I also found a lovely small yellow gingham tablecloth, a floral pillowcase, and a fantastic brown 70's tablecloth that still has the original label stuck to it.

I checked the letterbox when I returned home to find a lovely cheery letter in the letterbox from Jess at Button Beauty. It's just so nice to know that there are so many wonderful, caring people in the world. Thanks so much Jess for cheering up my day today, it means the world to me!


  1. Great finds!! I have that Woman's day book - my Nan gave it to me when I was about 10 yrs old - my very first craft book! I have the Toys to Make book as well and made lots of projects from it when my two kids were young - lots of great recycled projects.

  2. Awesome thrifting loot! I'm sure you'll get lots of good ideas and inspiration from those books.

    Glad to see you've got your making-mojo back :-)

  3. I really like the yellow tablecloth its nice and summery?!

  4. There's nothing like op-shopping to take your mind off things.

    That's so funny - the same book I picked up from my local Op just last Saturday!! Same edition. :)

  5. They are some lovely op-shop finds! Lucky you!

    And lookee - I recognise that paper and envelope! It's by Cath Kidston! I *love* her stationary prints :D

  6. Look at all the great finds. I love the fabrics. Op shop finds are the best. I love cutting up old pillow cases. And what a nice gift you got. How pretty!
    Hope you are having a good day!

  7. ooh those finds are exiting.. i can never find stuff like that!! perhaps I don't have thy eye for it. x

  8. What great finds. Not only frifty, but frilling!

    I too love that Woman's Day Handicrafts. I was very excited to find a copy at the Salvos a couple of months ago. I love the brown 70s tablecloth too. I'm sure my parents had kitchen blinds in an almost identical print.

  9. The orange 70s table cloth is a winner! My thoughts are with you - we've moved 10 times in as many years - packing up sucks!! It takes me so long - I keep finding stuff I haven't looked at in ages and next minute I look yp - 2 hours have gone by!


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