
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mikes Week of Baking - Day 3

I'm joining in with Pip for A Week of Baking over at Meet Me at Mikes.

So for day three....another new apron. This one is a lovely silvery grey fabric with a subtle butterfly print and a gorgeous floral trim.

It's in The CurlyPops Shop!


  1. I feel you are a woman who loves her baking and another lovely apron too. I got mine yesterday, super cute - Thanks

  2. Wow, you're cranking out those beautiful aprons! Another lovely one. And you remind me, I've got a photo to take to add to the week of baking... Now! while there's sunshine!

  3. Its apron-o-rama over at the CurlyPops shop. I love the fabric you have used for this one.

  4. I'm in agreeance - lurve that combo of fabrics you've chosen. Great stuff!

  5. How funny your post before about your nephew. Fletcher runs everytime he sees me with bloomers in my hand! Not because they are frilly ... I think he's just over the model thing.


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