
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sharing my stash with Mike - Day One

Pip is hosting a week of stash sharing over at Meet Me at Mikes....
My stash is just slightly disjointed at the moment. I did have it all jammed into one big cupboard in the spare bedroom.....but that cupboard had to be emptied and relegated to the shed to make the room look larger. Now my stash is living all over the house....

Fabric strips for bias binding....hanging on a wardrobe door.

A shelf in the craft supplies cupboard...

Containers in the bookshelf above my sewing desk....

Shelf 1 in the hallway linen closet...

Shelf 2 in the hallway linen closet.....

Shelf 3 in the hallway linen closet.....

Shoved up the top of a wardrobe.....(note Humphrey B Bears naked bum on the left). I've had Humphrey since the 70's....

Down the bottom of the craft supplies cupboard....

As I moved it all, I actually packed up about three garbage bags full for my MIL. There is no way that I can take it all with me so I had to part with the fabric that I didn't completely love.

Mind you, the garbage bags are still here and I feel the urge to retrieve some of that fabric!

Later in the week, I will show some of my absolutely favourite pieces... you know, the ones that have to stay in the stash because you just can't bear to actually cut them up.


  1. What a stash Curly Pops - how are you ever going to part with any of that - some gorgeous pieces!

  2. Your bias stash looks so yummy. I just want to come and steal it away to Bondi!

  3. I feel honoured to realise that I am following in the footsteps of great women in my fabric stash habits. I didn't know that it was normal to have pieces that you can't bear to cut up.

    You stash is pretty bloody amazing my friend. I am in awe.

  4. Cam I'm blaming you for my bias binding obsession LOL

  5. Oh I know the much lovely fabric - so little space/time. Love the way the bias binding is displayed.
    Looks like craft candy :)

  6. Now there's a serious stash! I love all the strips destined to be bias binding.

  7. Oh, are making me feel SO GUILTY!!! I was desperately looking for one (still not recovered) piece of fabric Sunday morning, and pulled EVERY PIECE off the shelves...the piles are over knee high. *gulp*

  8. Oh, wow, fabric heaven. Look at all the dif. colours. Someone will be very lucky to get those garbage bags of fabric.
    Cheers Kyla

  9. I love the idea of cutting fabric strips in advance for binding!

    It all looks so tantalising! I can see a gorgeous, vintage with tiny red flowers, still wrapped, with original packaging - lucky you!

  10. Wow! That is a great stach! How are you ever going to choose favourites?


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