
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thrifted Tuesday

I had an early appointment yesterday morning so as a reward for dragging myself out of bed so early I thought I'd treat myself to a little op shopping on the way home (I limited myself to three op shops)....

These were my favourite finds for the day.....a pair of vintage pillowcases and a vintage cot sheet all in perfect condition. The only problem is that my washing machine decided to die last Thursday (6 months out of warranty....grrrrr) so I'm waiting for the repair man to turn up sometime today (not even a morning or afternoon timeslot....just sometime, and he'll ring 30 minutes before he gets here) to tell me whether I need to head straight down to the shops to buy a new one so I can wash my new purchases! In the meantime, I think they'll be happy to have a little soak in some napisan and warm water....


  1. Very cool! I love that little racing car - so cute.

    Bad news about the washing machine. Hope it's easy fixed.

  2. I am glad the kharma gods rewarded you for your early wake-up call. They are fantastic little gems.

  3. So jealous of those pillowcases.

  4. Don't u just hate that about waiting for repairmen!!

  5. I love the floral one..what a great find!

  6. They look great, can't wait to see what they become

  7. Score! Go you!
    And bah to broken washing machines.

  8. noice!
    good luck with the washing machine..hopefully it's cheaply repairable.

  9. Good score! Hope the washing machine is okay.

  10. Nice purchases.

    Don't you just hate that "30 minute" thing. When I have said something about it before, I was asked about whether I work. What the?

  11. **ooooo**** lovely op shop find!


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