
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A happy mail day....

I headed down to the post office thismorning to post off some goodies....

....and when I arrived home, the postie had been to my house.....

and look what he delivered....this sweet Paisley Jade bunny named Cherry.

Cherry is currently sitting on my kitchen windowsill, keeping an eye on the choc chip cupcakes for me. Thankyou so much Kristy. Cherry was such a wonderful suprise.

Kristy has a softie shop here where you can find lots of other gorgeous bunnies.

Cherry and I are off to have a cup of tea and a cupcake now....


  1. Oooh super cute! Wish I could join you and Cherry in a cuppa and a cupcake!

  2. Cherry looks like she would be lovely to share a cuppie with. She looks a bit like a 4 sugars and white bunny to me,

  3. Lucky you!
    A cuppa sounds nice. Good idea, might have one now.

  4. Ooh, the bunny is lovely !! really cute...

  5. It must be lovely to have a new bunny friend to share a tea and cupcakes with! She looks like a well-behaved bunny girl.

  6. I think Cherry has been hopping about in my stash cupboard... I recognise her fur!
    She looks a bit cheeky, a quick hop and she'd devour those cupcakes... :P

  7. I'm hoping to get my very own paisley jade creation (an early birthday pressie?!?) :D


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