
Saturday, October 18, 2008

I heart Snails and Gnomes

I arrived home yesterday to find that the postie had jammed three packages into my little letterbox. I squeeled with delight and then rushed inside to open them discover that one of them wasn't for me...drats...I threw that one in the corner and went back to the two that were for me!

The first was gorgeous vintage fabrics from Cass over at Snailblazer. I commented that I really loved a piece of fabric that was still in the box from the Box Swap, and Cass was so generous, that she sent it to me in the mail along with three other gorgeous pieces. Thankyou so much Cass!
In the second package was this sweet little towel from Nomes over at Hanging With My Nomies. I've christened her Princess Piggy Towel and she is now hanging in my kitchen. Thanks so much Nomes!

It makes me so happy to arrive home and receive such wonderful suprises in the mail.....


  1. no thank you for all your work

  2. Princess Piggy Towel is SO cool!
    She seems like a cheery friend to have in the kitchen.


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