
Friday, October 17, 2008

Love Fridays....

I just happened to be browsing around on Made It after I'd added some more stock to The CurlyPops Shop when I came across this photo......

Would you believe that they're all candles? I love them all, I think they're fantastic.

They are all handmade by Gabbie and no 2 candles are alike. Head on over to her Made It shop to check them out, or you can also check out her Cupcake Candles website. Message for my family and friends who might by reading....just keep these in mind for me for Christmas OK!

For more Love Fridays....check out Big Cat's Emporium.

Photos used with permission


  1. Ohh, those were making me HUNGRY until you said they were candles. Peh. peh-peh-peh. Eating wax = NOT good!

  2. wow....they look so real...have a great Friday, I am off for a walk in this beautiful sunshine

  3. How great! They look so real. I need to get on to Made It and have a look around. Hope all is well.

  4. You would have to put a warning on these babies otherwise you might end up taking a few bites in anticipation.
    Hope the shop is doind well, it looks great.

  5. I've made it 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday' play along if you like...check out my post. xx

  6. Whaaaaaaaat??? Candles? How is that even possible, they look so delicious!

  7. They do look yummy!!! And very real!!!

  8. I wonder if wax is hard to remove from your teeth? They look so real it seems like you could actually eat them! Wax is probably better for you too....??? ; )

  9. A bit of wax never hurt anyone right? I'm afraid that I would fang on in.

  10. Thanks for the post Ms Curlypops!
    Unfortunately l have to report they are not edible, much to the dismay of my daughters and hubby LOL!
    l call them weight watchers candles ;-)


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