
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lucky Number 13

......And the random number generator says that 13 really is the luckiest number, and it belongs to Trashalou.

It was a very close call but between the hanging combinations of number 2 and number 5, but number 2 was the most popular by a whisker.

Trash, if you could send me an email and let me know where you would like me to send it (your mum might like some more heart palpitations), I should be able to pop it in the post tomorrow or Friday. Thankyou so much to everyone who entered...... only 2 Blogtoberfesting days to go!

1 comment:

  1. OMIGOD! I won!!! (she sits down in a state of shock and fans face)


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!