
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mikes Week of Picnics - Day 3

Australia Day Long Weekend 2008
Originally uploaded by

I'm joining in with the Week of Picnics over at Meet Me at Mikes, hosted by the lovely McCranky girls.

Now this picnic is definitely up my alley!


  1. Great picnic! The main ingredient has a shelf life of 10 years, so you can just keep it in the back of the car with the picnic rug!

  2. Blurgh..make it Promite, and I would have a better chance of inviting myself along. Or at the very least, Marmite. :p

  3. HP is up in arms at the moment about how ridiculously expensive Vegemite has become...and he's refusing to buy it. It's now a "luxury item" in our household. Who woulda thunk?


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