
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Newbies and Secret Squirrels

I've added a couple of new bags to The CurlyPops Shop....

Turquoise corduroy and vintage Sheridan bedsheet....

Orange corduroy from a recycled skirt and a vintage pillowcase inner.....

I'm off to do some Secret Squirrel business for Big Cat today.....sssshhhhh .....then a house inspection tonight (gotta clean up all of my crafting mess yet again...drats and double drats)!

Hope everyone else has a lovely day planned!


  1. I have a thing for Orange at the moment, that bag looks great! (so does the other one)

  2. I love this bag shape - most intriquing! Cherrie

  3. oh your bags are sooo gorgeous!

  4. My fave is the blue one!
    Hmmm, wonder what Secret Squirrelness you're up to??

  5. YEp I like the blue one too!!! And what are you and Bigcat up to this time????????????????????

  6. The bags look great - how I love a vintage sheet.

  7. That blue bag is stunning. Now, what have you been up to today exactly. I'll look forward to hearing!

  8. we have the same vintage sheridan sheet, but not in blue, in pink and yellow i think. it is defiantely one of my favourites!

  9. LOVING these bags! Especially the first one, I love blues & greens. The straps are epecially cool.

  10. Great fabric combinations! I especially love the turquoise one.

  11. Wow they look great. The orange one is just so lovely.
    You are one clever lady...

  12. LOVE the corduroy. Love your work!

  13. MMMMMM orange!
    I love the lining.
    Good Job

  14. Oh wow! I actually own bedsheets with the same print on the blue bag (however very old and worn now). They bags look great. Where do you get your metal rings from? I'm looking for rectangular ones, but can't find them anywhere.


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