
Thursday, October 2, 2008

A very grateful thankyou

I've been a little slack in accepting bloggy awards lately but it's been a rough couple of weeks, so I'm taking this opportunity to give a very big thankyou to everyone.

Thankyou to Jesska from Thousand Threads, Ingrid from Lottielulu and Edward and Lily for bestowing this award on my little CurlyPops blog. I am absolutely chuffed!

Thankyou so much to Pip for this beautiful post.

A huge thankyou for every message of support, phone call, email, card, pressie. I'm absolutely ovewhelmed by the goodness that exists in the world. It has lifted my spirit, and has certainly made the last couple of weeks much easier to bear.

This a beautiful pressie that arrived in the mail on Tuesday from Sarah at If I Only Had Chocolate....... beautiful fabric, a sweet floral card, and chocolate..yum! Thankyou so much Sarah!

I'm slowly lifting myself out of the doldrums and back into my crafty motivation is a little sapped still, and it's much harder to craft when I'm constantly trying to keep the house spic and span. I think I need to make a target of at least finishing one crafty item per day. Hmmm we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. It is well deserved! Your crafty posts and thoughtful comments are making this whole blog-world a happier place :)


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!