
Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Kootoyoo Mystery

This lovely bobbin pendant and fabric pouch was made by the super talented Kirsty.
To reveal the answer to the mystery.....I'm going to say the answer is CurlyPops because I am absolutely swooning over this one! I can't go past a vintage floral and two of my favourite colours in the whole wide world...


  1. It is you Cam. You're in the draw.

  2. It is very curlypopsish .. i often think of bloggers when posting stuff. x

  3. Most definitely, pink and orange has to be your own inimitable style... Lovely!

  4. Ha ha, I knew it was you too- but I was a bit slow on the uptake on what I meant to do about it. lol. You would be proud, I've actually done some crafting today!

  5. Of course it was you, I just wasn't clever enough to figure out how to do the linky thing :-(

  6. I was too late to join in, but as soon as I saw it, I thought it HAD to be you!

  7. I guessed it would be you! I mean, how could it be anyone else? Just look at your banner!

  8. I was too late to play too - but would have def picked you! Pink and orange, just gorgeous together!


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