
Friday, November 21, 2008

Love Fridays

I had to go and pay my car registration today, and Vicroads just happens to be a few doors away from Spotlight so I decided to take Amy's advice and headed off to spend my discount voucher.

I stocked up on some good quality thread.....

....and a stack of fabric.

Now I get to go and play with it all..... and that's a perfect reason to Love Friday.
Don't forget to head on over to Big Cat's Emporium to check out who else is playing along.


  1. I've got the same plan. Shopping!!! Yippee!

  2. Nice work on the shopping. I am hoping to go and spend my voucher this weekend too! I like all the prints you bought. I'm a bit of a fan of the dotty one - I have that in greys.

  3. Hmm hoping to spend my voucher sometime this weekend too! I want that top fabric, I hope my local SL has some.

  4. wow my husband just paid ours today as well...i let him do it himself as unfortunatly there is no spotlight near the fabric finds...

  5. Love those fabrics! I think I will have to check out Spotlight for the Floral ones. Love them.

  6. Ohhh the fabrics are so lovely! I'm going to have to stop reading all your lovely blogs that keep showing fabric that I can't buy.It's making me awfully jealous:( Boo hoo

  7. Hi there...I have just found you so am saying hi...also I host the 'Sunday Stash' over at my blog and 'cause I'm a bit of a sticky beak I'd love you to come and join us...I want to see more of that yummy fabric you have... bye for now...and I hope to see you over my way, Tam xo

  8. Three cheers for massive sales! You're thread looks so much more inviting than what I purchased. I bought 1000m of white, near white and creamy white. Adventurous, aren't I?


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