
Friday, November 28, 2008

Love Fridays

Today I'm loving Friday because I performed a rescue (of sorts).....

Somebody had worked really dilligently to make this perfectly straight and perfectly evenly stitched quilt top.....

Only to have it end up at the Op Shop....
So even though it's not really my style (I like random the best) or my favourite colours (pink, orange, red).... I just couldn't bear to leave it there, so for $4.50, it was mine.

I'm intrigued as to who made it and why it ended up where I found it. I think I'm going to try to make it into a quilt for the couch.... and hopefully the original owner will somehow know that it found a lovely new home.

For more of Love Friday's, head over to visit Big Cats Emporium.


  1. It may not be your colour or style (I understand pink, orange and red are fabulous) but she is still rather beautiful.

  2. It is amazing what you find for a mere $4.50! Somebodies hard work just turfed out. It is not really my colours either but it sure looks put together nicely.

  3. That's a bargello quilt! Nice find!

  4. Great find! Lucky for the quilt too that you found it and that it will be finished and loved! :)

  5. That nice work deserves to be finished and cared for! And if it is not at all your colour, you may know somebody just perfect for this quilt.

  6. I'm glad its found a good home. Wouldn't it be interesting to know its history - there's a fair bit of work there. Sad that someone had to give it away unfinished ... but good to know that its been saved!

  7. I'm so pleased that you rescued it! It's a sweet little bargello quilt - a lot of work must have gone into it - and perhaps you'll find someone who loves it when it's finished?

  8. What an amazing find, I can't imagine giving up something that involved so much work.

  9. if you are brave enough you could overdye it in red to give an earthy result, or pink for something a bit brighter. i think it would be worth the risk!

  10. that must have taken ages for the orginal owner to make. It would be interesting to find out why someone would give it up after all that work.

  11. Fabulous find! Of course what people need to factor in is that the maker may not have voluntarily given it up :-( but at least she will be able to look down and see that, even though her rotten children/grandchildren/extended family couldn't appreciate the work and dedication that has gone into it, somebody in the world 'gets' what she was about.

  12. thats the sweetest...
    glad you nabbed it so it could be finished and cared for...

  13. I am glad its found a good home, yo will add yr curlypops touch to it and it will be super

  14. the owner gave it away knowing someone like yourself would bring it to life

  15. this is amazing, so glad you rescued the quilt!! lucky you


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