
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Love the City - Part 2

Continuing on with 'The Excellent Adventures of CurlyPops, Drewzel and Hokey' from yesterday......

We met up nice and early at The Nicholas Building and caught the lift upstairs, to begin with a visit to Buttonmania. We ooohed and ahhhed and looked through boxes of buttons before finding a few that we loved, and making some purchases.

Next stop was Kimono House. There were so many beautiful fabrics to choose from. I chose a couple of lovely fat quarters.

I've given one of my fat quarters to Hollie, and she is going to use it to make me a gorgeous Hokey wallet!

We popped in to Lincraft at Melbourne Central to pick up some matching thread and then it was time for a coffee/tea pitstop and of course, a bit of cake.

We decided to head down to Degraves Subway next.

We checked out the current art installation....

.....and visited Sticky to pick up some zines.

Look, there's a Mixtapezine poster!
By this time, the very excellently unpredictable Melbourne weather had taken a bit of a turn for the worse. Our next stop was supposed to be The Rooftop Market at Curtin House, but alas, it was cancelled. We drowned our sorrows with a visit to the Metropolis Bookshop instead.
It had started to rain lightly by the time we reached Cottage Industry, and then we made a pitstop for lunch at a nice little cafe in Gertrude St.

By now it was pouring rain, and we headed over to Sydney Rd to visit Sherrin who was holding down the fort at Olive Grove

Sherrin was working on some of her gorgeous Christmas cards .......

The time had flown by, so it was back to the city to make our departures. Last stop on the tour, Max Brenner for a chocolate fix....need I say more!


  1. Yay!! Road trip to Clunes next ?? :P

  2. Wow! You were right around the corner from me!

  3. My kinda shopping day! Did you get to say hi to Miss Pen Pen at Cottage? And the Gertrude St arcade, it wasn't Arcadia was it? I heart Arcadia! Best breakfast roll ever!

  4. Oops that sentence was meant to read "And that Gertrude St CAFE"...but you knew that right?!

  5. You girls got around - that's a lot of stops! Looks like a fantastic day. I must go and visit Buttonmania sometime .... it sounds fantastic.

  6. Wow. What an action packed day. I'm green with envy.

  7. Wow, what a day, I am also jealous! Not sure you could have a day like that at the Gold Coast! Perhaps Spotlight, some op-shops and a coffee then you would have run out of things to do and wished you had gone into Brisbane or Fortitude Valley. Hmm... why don't I live in Melbourne? :)

  8. What a fabulous day! Sounds like my dream day in the city!

  9. sounds like it was definately a lovely friday... wish I lived closer to be able to particpate in some of these wonderful adventures!!!

  10. If I had a day like that, I'd be loving Fridays too! What a perfect way to spend your time! Friends, fabric food ... sigh!

  11. Fabulous day - very jealous over here....!

  12. Wow, sounds like the perfect day...

  13. Jealous, Jealous, JEALOUS!!! That is all I have to say.

  14. Sounds like a fabulous day out! You reminded me about Sticky, I haven't been down there in a while and really should go... they have excellent badge making facilities :)

  15. Ah ... a perfect Melbourne day... makes me a little Melbourne whistful - such a beautiful place to explore - even when I lived there it always felt like an exciting new adventure was waiting around each corner (that sounded a bit enid blyton - ha!) x

  16. Sounds like a perfect lucky girls!


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