
Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm having a rest day at home today. I've been out and about all over the place in the last week and it's been so much fun...

I ventured back into the city again yesterday (three times in a week is an absolute record for me). I met up with Cathy and Belinda and we tootled off to have a lovely lunch at one of the cafes in Degraves St. We also had a chuckle about our internet / blog dating....

Belinda had to head back to work after lunch so Cathy and I headed to Magnation to drool over the wall of craft magazines. But then we realised that it was only 2pm and there would be op shops still open until 4pm, so we zoomed off in the car to go bargain spotting.

On the way home, we were about to drive past GJ's discount fabrics, so we made a little pitstop as I had never been there. I picked up these sweet little fat quarters for $2 each.

Then it was time for a delicious home cooked dinner and a trip to the ice cream shop to finish off a wonderful day / night!

I also borrowed this past issue of Frankie from Cathy on the way out as I've never read it before. Now it's time for a cup of tea and a biccie with Frankie.

Oops! I forgot to mention that the beautiful collage at the top was my prize in the Big Cat Blogtoberfest giveaway. Florence is going to look lovely on my wall....


  1. Crikey, after three trips into the city you would need a rest day! At least there's nothing more relaxing than a cuppa with Frankie.

  2. wow what a great day you girls had! love the fabric too. My daughter (miss 16) came home with Frankie a few weeks ago, I was so impressed with it AND that she chose to buy it!

  3. It sounds like you've been having some great days there, with all your internet dates :) Enjoy Frankie, I'll have to add that to the list of things to check out when I get back :)

  4. A the luxury of being at home all day - I had a half day at home and did lots of cutting - was SOOOOOOoo nice. Will try to have them more often.

  5. Psst, I've never read frankie either- it just seems to groovy for me....

  6. Sounds perfect! Thanks so much for wishing me luck too!

  7. I can't believe you hadn't been to GJ's!
    make sure you say hi at market3031!

  8. Sounds great. Lovely fabrics. And I've never read Frankie. I'll take a peak the next time I have a date at Borders. :-)

  9. frankie is my favourite :) what did you think?


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