
Sunday, November 9, 2008

This favourite quote

Well it's a difficult theme to think of this week......I've been racking my brain for 24 hours and nothing has popped into my head. I just don't really have a favourite quote.

Instead, I have the next best thing....a little nugget of advice that I give to anyone who is a bit whingy or whiney -
Life is really short.... savour it, and make the most of while you still can.
Don't waste energy on negativity..... you could get hit by a bus tomorrow.


  1. A very wise bit of advise here and so true!

  2. That's the kind of advice I can appreciate!

    Hope you had a great weekend, Cam!

  3. Very good advice and a beautiful pic of the blue sky!

  4. Great advice. Definitely a reminder worth sharing as sometimes it easy to lose the path and this brings you back to what is important.

  5. Good one! We all need to be reminded of such things from time to time :) Your weekend looks fab - love the blue skies...


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