
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Week of Happy - day 1

Pip is hosting 'A Week of Happy' so here's my beginning.

The simple things in life make me happy....things like vegemite toast and a cup of tea for breakfast.


  1. oh a week of happy sounds divine...
    coming home to happy kids after work makes me happy...

  2. vegemite toast... that makes everyone ion our house happy happy! Nice one. I've joined the happy times too! Great theme :)

  3. I just want to let u know that I just went and made myself vegie on toast cos that picture spoke to me! :)

  4. Oh, I'll second that! Is that tea? That's my favourite and my best.

  5. I'm glad to see someone else uses an excess of vegemite as well. I love it!

  6. Just made me hungry is that veggiemite?

    I am also going to a baby blanket giveaway starting Nov 6th! I will post it on my birthday the 6th : )

  7. theres too much vegemite on that toast woman!!! hahahaha

    a smidge of vegemite makes me happiest....thats just overkill ahahahaaha


  8. I have just been enjoying mine now! Definately smile worthy.

  9. I would agree to this! This combo makes me happy too. And that says alot coming from an expat living in OZ who never ever had Vegimite before moving here. It took a while......must say........

  10. Oh yes, tea makes me happy! (I'm a peanut butter girl though.)

  11. such a great pic cam, now I really want some vegimite on toast!!


  12. Oh Yes, there is something sooo wonderful about toast and tea, and don't you just love the smell of toast! That makes me happy too.

  13. oh stop it, put that toast away! I'm on a low carb diet to shed all the kilos and I have a shake for breakfast and all I long for is coffee and vegimite toast !!!

  14. vegemite toast and tea definately something to be grateful for anytime anyplace. the simplity of it. the rest of the world does not know what it is missing out on. :D


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