
Monday, December 15, 2008

500th Post Winner

Sorry for the delay... it seems that the random number generator doesn't want to work tonight.
I've resorted to using 54 little pieces of screwed up paper in a lovely vintage pyrex bowl.

....and the winner is comment number 35 - Annie!

Congratulations Annie, I'll send you an email right away. Thanks so much to everyone who entered, I hope I can keep up the blogging for at least another 500 posts!


  1. oh bugger I have just missed out on your giveaway!! I've been catching up Cam and you have some cute things you have been making!!! and I LOVE your new necklace!

  2. love the amount of entries...way to go...and congrats to annie i love reading her blog and she would be thrilled i'm sure...

  3. Well. Belated wishes Cam!! half a K! I suppose there is a word/phrase like Half A Century for 50 for 500 but I don't know it. Blog on dear one.

  4. yay for Annie.
    500 is !!!! My head hurts just thinking about it.

  5. Well done Annie!

    What a find at the Vinnies!!!

  6. 500..whew. And you manage to fit in a normal life, as well?? :lol:


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!