
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eye Spy the Festive Aftermath

Cindy suggested this weeks theme as a very fitting Christmas finale.

I didn't get many photos of the aftermath.... but I could of taken photos of my recycling bin which is jam packed full, after I brought home all of the packaging that wouldn't fit in my sisters recycling bin yesterday..... but that wouldn't be as interesting!

Poor old Elmo is looking decidedly depressed in the bottom of the photo... it seems that his chair has been tipped upside down and he doesn't know how to tip it back over. Poor Elmo.


  1. wow, looks like you had fun. Thanks for the comment and for updating during the holidays! I love that your banner has the fabric of the gifty I got from you in a swap!!

  2. What a ripper of a Christmas day that looks like!!! Whats that mighty workbench? Looks very interesting!

  3. hey that looks like a ripper of a recycling bin is groaning too.

  4. that looks a lot like our pile of wrapping paper.

  5. Looks like you all had lots of fun! I tried to make a paper pile but certain people kept cleaning it up and putting in bags!!!! SO our floor was very tidy very quickly (the only time I will complain about that!)

  6. That Mighty Workbench was a huge gift hit over this way also :)


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