
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Houston - we have a problem

I spent about 4 hours yesterday afternoon making my first ever skirt from a pattern. But that was not the only exciting thing, it was even more exciting because I was making something just for me.

After sewing the pleats back to front, I unpicked them and re-sewed them the right way.
Can you see the problem?

I managed to find an op-shopped zip in the stash that fitted perfectly. The sewing might not be very pretty, but it's functional.
Can you see the problem?

The finished skirt in all its glory with bias binding edge (because I thought that it would be prettier than a plain hem).
Can you see the problem?

I tried the skirt on at the end....
Hmmmm, now that really is a problem?


  1. sorry but that made me giggle. it would be something i would do.
    i once made a top too small for me that i managed to put on but literally had to cut myself out of.

    is the size easy for you to rectify?

  2. Uh-oh! Maybe if you eat lots and lots of christmas pudding it will fit better :)

  3. LOL ! Christmas is might just fit afterwards!

    What a bugger, it looks so good!

  4. oh how annoying is that! love the fabric. I'm sure you'll be able to fix it no problems.

  5. so frustrating!! but wow... you have lost a lot of weight!! Bring on Christmas!!

  6. LOL

    Lots of Christmas food me thinks ;)

    PS Love the fabric and I'm having Zipper envy, I wanna learn how to put a zip in so neatly :(

  7. oh, how disappointing! That's is exactly why i haven't made a lot of clothes so far, Just eat lots of pudding!

  8. Yep, it's a subconscious thing, you made it to wear on Christmas Day to fit the post-lunch belly expansion!

    gorgeous skirt though!

  9. You could fit two of you in that skirt!! What size did you make? It seems that it would be a lovely tent.

    My tip for next time, aside from trying it on earlier is to compare the pattern pieces to a skirt that fits you super well. Make sure you add enough seam allowance.

  10. Cam lots of food for you this Christmas. Great fabric though

  11. Oh no!!! It is so utterly gorgeous and well made too!!! You know, if it was me I would probably just bung a couple of seams in the sides and wear the darn thing anyway. Unless you're planning on eating HEAPS of Christmas pudding this year :P

  12. I had to giggle too - but I'm sure you weren't after 4 hours of sewing and unpicking!

    Maybe a couple more pleats would fix the problem? (a slightly healthier option than just pigging out over Christmas!!)

  13. Good excuse to enjoy the food this Christmas! Love the fabric and well done anyway!

  14. Oh no! Another person who sews clothes like I do! The skirt is just gorgeous though! I agree with other comments, either really enjoy yourself over Christmas to make it fit, or do a little more unpicking, it's too gorgeous a piece to waste.

  15. What a shame. It looks pretty impressive though. More chocolate perhaps?

  16. Hilarious...But I can't comment cause I don't make the time to sew anything! So I respect that you do...gorgeous skirt worth refitting I think ;-)

  17. that fabric is so great and love the bias have to unpick

  18. I've got to agree that there is a lot of room to eat ....a lot......thats why I love my beautiful sewing mannequin!!! don't worry we've all done it! I actually pin my pattern and then do a couple of rechecks when I'm sewing and before I finish things off.....but my sewing teacher taught me that and you're learning through experience so you definitely won't do that again!!!!!


  19. So pretty, such a shame... yes, definitely eat loads of treats over Christmas, it's clearly the only solution to this predicament.

  20. Bummer, and it's such a very cute skirt!! I think that's why I can't be bothered sewing for myself anymore - it's all too hard when it comes to the fitting part. Still, onwards and upwards - I hope you do heaps more!

  21. you have done such a beautiful job with it & it is gorgeous with the bias binding. the colours are stunning. how about a present for a ...cough... slightly larger very good friend? or sit back & enjoy lunch, or bite the bullet, make friends with the unpicker.... :)

  22. Oh poo! It's a beautiful skirt, maybe for Christmas if you were a bit full?

  23. What happened? Did you think you were fatter than you are! I want to see the post about what went wrong and I agree with Tinniegirl-eat more chocolate:)

  24. Oh dear! Just the sort of thing I'd do!!! Maybe you can resize it like a hat, with piece of petersham ribbon sewn on the inside!

    I can relate to sizing issues ... I have almost finished sewing my first hat for a 5 year old nephew and discovered that it doesn't fit my 3 year old (I'm hoping that Argy just has a massive head)

  25. As they have said before me, a perfect skirt for Christmas day. Lovely.

  26. YOu will need the gap for the expanding waist line for Christmas!!!! See you did not make a mistake after all!

    OH DEAR! Well I have learned when you do mistakes makes you think of some way of being creative and then a good out look....

  27. oh don't you just hate when that happens...i try really hard not to make clothes for myself because they always end just like this...

  28. Oh dear! And the moral of the story is......?

  29. gorgeous skirt .... i guess you could take it apart, reduce and sew it back together? x

  30. LOL! I've done that before! I really am much better without a pattern - weird I know!

    I've been making skirts this week too, reminds me I must get some pics of them up on the blog!


  31. love your skirt very summery....pity its too big just eat up over christmas and im sure it will fit by new years hahahaahaa

    I have never tried a zipper but am scared as Ive heard they are tricky buggers

    well done it looks fabulous!

  32. It is just a lovely lovely skirt and so nicely made-hope it fits soon!

  33. Gorgeous, gorgeous skirt. And as I always say, better too big than too small. You can always work with too big. Now, perhaps some elastic waist? or unpick... make the pleats bigger and take a smidge off the side seam? Hope that helps. And did I say gorgeous skirt btw?

  34. Thats very funny - its such a beautiful skirt too.

  35. Haha after all those fantastic shorts- you deserved to come unstuck somewhere! None of us can be perfect! Although, you did just make an extra gift... for someone you know who's a little larger than you. :)

  36. Woops!!!! Very funny!!! It's so pretty, you'll just have to eat up over the festive season to fit into it!!

  37. Happens to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I try make myself something for my bottom. I have given up, for the time being. Why can I fit the kids fine, but when it comes to me, I'm a walking disaster???

  38. Ok, that was funnY!! I made myself a skirt similiar to that except it was only a little too big. Imagine ripping out the ribbon to alter it? Yikes! No thanks!!


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