
Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's a dropping frenzy

The Christmas Toy Society frenzy has begun in earnest.......

My helper elves came to the park to assist with the drop. They wanted to tie it right up the top, but we settled on half way up. We even stayed and played in the park for another hour or so (and I got a little bit sunburnt). A boy on a bmx bike had a bit of a look at the softie, but I think it was just a bit too pink for him!

You can check out the Flickr Group here where the drops are being uploaded as they happen, or the Toy Society blog here where drops are also being uploaded. A huge thankyou to a very special person for her fantastic organisational work in organising the whole shebang!

In other important news, there are a couple of fantastic pre-christmas giveaways happening:

Kristie from MissieKrissie is giving away a beautiful handmade necklace and bracelet with your own personal inscription, and Leigh from Love Leigh Things is giving away a Denise Schmidt Quilt It Kit. Head on over and enter!


  1. I don't know how all these things go on without my noticing! Such a great idea, I'll join in next time! I would have taken your little pinky even if I was a boy... shes too cute to be left alone in a park!

  2. Cute softy , yes definately not one to leave .
    Clare's Craftroom

  3. I am sure she is tucked up happy in her new home right now.

  4. That cuddly dude will make someone very happy!

  5. Very cute softie and nice location. I did my drop at a playground too. I think kids are more likely to enjoy a softie than adults. Love the goofy expression!

  6. I love this and so nice that your kids are getting involved too. I think it's a great idea... and being a believer in serendipity (to a point) I'm sure the right person will come along and find it ad take it home.
    Now THAT's Christmas Spirit.


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