
Friday, December 12, 2008

Love Fridays

Today I Love Friday because I get to eat Lindt chocolates!

I went along to my first christmas function of the year yesterday.

I met up for lunch with all of the lovely ladies that I use to work with. I would have shown you the delicious chocolate pudding and ice cream that I had for dessert, but I forgot to take my camera!

Leigh made a sweet little chocolate bag for all of us, and there was also a fortune cookie inside. My fortune was:

Those that hate to hate, don't necessarily love to love

It was so nice to catch up with everyone..... that's the bit I miss about work.


  1. I saw exactly the same chocolates at a Christmas function that I attended today. Apparently Lindor balls are what all the fashionable kiddies are eating at 3 year-old kindergarten parties these days!

  2. yum!!!
    it's always nice to catch up with friends...

  3. Now *I* want Lindt chocolates too!

  4. I am also partial to Lindt! Yum...
    That's one of the nice things about this time of year too - catching up with people socially you may not have seen for a while.


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