
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas to me

I decided to treat myself to a little early christmas present this week.

Above photo from Kristie

I saw these on Kristie's Missie Krissie blog and fell in love with them, so I custom ordered one for myself.

Isn't it gorgeous! It's sterling silver, and I chose pink beads. Who says you can't wear your name around your neck?

Kristie doesn't have an online shop just yet but you can email her - jemkris (at) westnet (dot) com (dot) au to find out more.


  1. I like that. It's very cute. I'm quite the fan of name jewelery you know!

  2. looks have just reminded me to put my order in!!!! Clever girl that Krissie

  3. that is so gorgeous...
    i can already think of what i would have mine as...

  4. Oh thank you! You're such great advertising! :) So glad you liked it, I just got a new washer shape in a square so can't wait to see how that turns out!

  5. great present to yourself

  6. I am a GREAT advocate of getting yourself presents.
    E.g. Tax return present, birthday present... for yourself, cheer up present.
    The list is endless!
    You have some very borrow worth jewelery!

  7. Great.*sigh* Another thing I have to have.
    Thanks for the link ;)

  8. Oh, man.. I love the silver one. I am becoming a huge fan of silver discs and stamped names. :p

  9. Oh My God, I love it! Very Seriously Cool!

  10. That's the coolest thing I've seen in such a long time. I'm off to check out more!!

  11. That's SO cool!!!!!

    p.s. Thanks so much for your congratulations :)

  12. That's AWESOME! I'll have to take a look!!!


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