
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What I'm wearing....Wednesday

You know when you get the feeling that there's something that you've forgotten but you just can't quite remember what it was....... I've been feeling like that all day.

- Got up early - check
- Went to an appointment - check
- Dropped in to my old workplace for morning tea and a visit - check
- Went to the factory outlet to buy some Baby Volleys for my nephew - check

Still couldn't remember what it was......

Arrive home and checked a few blogs....and BINGO!
I read Kirsty's post and realised that it was 'What I'm wearing Wednesday' that I'd forgotten.

Never fear, I made it on time.

New dress from Kmart (where all the fashionistas shop), pinstripe pants from one of the oppys at Bacchus Marsh, nice flat comfy shoes from Diana Ferrari factory outlet.


  1. Kmart is my favourite place to buy clothes! And you know what? People say to me, "Oh I love your dress/skirt/top/etc" and I say "I got it at Kmart!"

  2. WOW you look FAB Cam!!

  3. LOVE Kmart, fantastic Value!
    Those shoes do look very comfy....

  4. I agree with crafty librarian, there's nothing I like more than getting a compliment on an outfit and being able to say that it's from Kmart.!

  5. and Kmart works for you becuase you have the eye. I don't think many people would style it like you have here. Looking good!!

  6. Poo! I forgot.
    You look great. Stylish bird that you are.

  7. Oh my gosh, that's so cool!!! I'm definitely joining the "what I'm wearing wednesday" train next week!!!

    VERY cute outfit by the way, you're stylin girl!


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