
Thursday, January 1, 2009


Tinniegirl and I were driving past the Salvos yesterday, so of course we made a little detour inside...... to find this bracelet.
The name is a little different, but I think it's beautiful. I wonder what happened to Camilla?


  1. Yeah, it's strange isn't it...
    When you find something personal like this belonging to someone you've never met, you suddenly want to know everything about them!
    It's a beautiful bracelet though. I wonder how old it is.

    Happy new year!

  2. Salvos Abbotsford?
    Every time I saw that I thought of you, Cam!
    Happy New Year!

  3. I wear a delicate chainlink nameplate bracelet that I side says Jacinta with a heart, and the other saysumm..can't remember the boy's name, and it's in the other room.

    Makes me smile, though, to think of the probably teen couple giving each other little gifts like that. Of course, then I feel bad they lost it. :p

  4. I have kept 2 of these from when I was a teen. Both from boyfriends with inscriptions on the back. Do kids do that any more? I wonder if this was from a googley eyed admirer of camilla's from years ago? :)

  5. I look at frocks in the same way. What was it bought for? Who wore it and where? Was it bought with their first pay, a voucher, as a splurge?


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